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A Mental Health & Wellbeing Learning Hub membership includes access to a library of learning and helps us to continue to deliver much needed not-for-profit mental health & wellbeing initiatives.
There is growing evidence that smart devices are placing young people at the forefront of a range of developmental problems and mental health issues. This session will consider important conversations about what constitutes smart usage of smartphones
This presentation will equip participants with an understanding of excessive gaming from a holistic child-centred perspective. Intervention models and skills for overcoming resistance, including strategies for communication will be provided.
This presentation will look at the difference between emotions & feelings, what’s going on in the brain during good/bad stress, the resultant behavioural outcomes, and how to tackle each.
This talk will focus on the evidence-base behind the importance of access to green space (or nature play) and how it is thought to improve the trajectory of the growing brain.
Teenagers place little value on sleep, and are generally poor sleep managers. This session shows how to implement treatments that build resilient sleep, which in turn protects teens from stress induced mood disorders and optimises learning outcomes.
This presentation will present some key strategies to optimise health, as well as a developmental model that informs the identification of practical, everyday strategies to support young people with different abilities develop resilience.