
Dr Michelle Garnett

Clinical Psychologist

Dr Michelle Garnett PhD is a clinical psychologist who has specialised in autism within her own private practice for over 27 years. Her peer reviewed research has informed understanding of early detection, the female profile and the importance of good mental health for autistic individuals. She has co-authored six highly regarded books on autism, five with Prof Tony Attwood. Her 2018 book with Barb Cook is a seminal work on the female presentation, Spectrum Women: Walking to the Beat of Autism. Her most recent books Having Fun with Feelings on the Autism Spectrum and Ten Steps to Reducing Your Child Anxiety on the Autism Spectrum provide guidance to parent of young children on the autism spectrum. She regularly provides training to four Australian Universities.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome!

    • Downloadable Coursebook

    • A note on professional development

  • 2


    • Autism and Anxiety in Young People

  • 3


    • Test your learning

    • TQI Registered Teacher Documentation

  • 4


    • What did you think?

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