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Practical strategies for educating young people to reduce the instances of teen sexting and related issues will be covered, along with how to deal with illegal material generated as a result of this practice.
This presentation will address online grooming methodology and the role carers, educators and other professionals can play to disrupt the grooming process at any stage and help young people stay safer online.
Be uplifted and up-skilled in addressing bullying, violence and hate by using narratives and stories to help adjust hateful attitudes and empower young people to make positive choices.
Adults are often wary of discussing mental health with teenagers. This presentation offers practical and simple tools to encourage communication and improve mental health literacy.
Practical ways that those working with young people can help them to develop robust emotional intelligence; more connected relationships; and self-awareness about their own emotional wellbeing.
Social networking sites have a power that is unmatched in history to manipulate both positive and negative outcomes for young people. Gain an overview of the latest research and practical strategies for encouraging more positive outcomes.