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A Mental Health & Wellbeing Learning Hub membership includes access to a library of learning and helps us to continue to deliver much needed not-for-profit mental health & wellbeing initiatives.
This presentation explores the relationship between anger and the mind, provides practical tips to manage it and demonstrates how young people can channel anger for a purpose to make a difference in the community
This presentation uses ‘What’s the Buzz?’, a program available in more than 60 countries to demonstrate the significance of social and emotional education, how it can be taught, and its impact on the wellbeing of young people.
Teamwork, resiliency and capacity to pull together are among the values of being human that we must teach young people. This presentation will focus on guided conversations and activities to coach SEL and ignite ‘emotional intelligence'.
Many young people have not developed effective ways of identifying, experiencing and expressing their emotions. This presentation will look at how to help them experience their emotions, act on them and express them in a healthy and appropriate way.
This presentation will look at the difference between emotions & feelings, what’s going on in the brain during good/bad stress, the resultant behavioural outcomes, and how to tackle each.
This presentation will provide participants with effective strategies for developing their emotional intelligence (or EQ), to get the best from themselves and from those around them.