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This presentation will provide an understanding of the causes of eating disorders, a practical guide to assessing severity and hence risk in eating disorders and thus when to refer urgently for specialist care and/or admission
It's common for children with ADHD to struggle maintaining sufficient food and nutrition. Learn about the role diet plays in the management of ADHD, and the impact on concentration, energy, behaviour, and ability to function at home and school
A chronic oversupply of unhealthy and addictive food has led to the viewing ill-health from dietary causes as normal. Prof Bruce Neal relates how we arrived at this situation, and the opportunities to change it.
This presentation aims to inform about eating disorders, risk factors, disordered eating and body dissatisfaction and evidence-based prevention interventions; discuss what's at stake for young people developing EDs ; and provide tools to take action
Eating disorders, rooted in body dissatisfaction, have consistently ranked in the top issues of concern for young people. Prof Sawyer will discuss eating disorders, the often ignored issue of disordered eating and prevention strategies.
Body image regularly tops national surveys of the issues of most importance to Australian adolescents. Dr Kausman will discuss strategies to promote healthy eating that encourage a positive approach to food and help prevent eating disorders.