Session includes:

  • 40 minutes of learning

    to complete at your own pace

  • Editable workbook

    to keep your notes and ideas

  • Certificate of completion

    to download and share


Hetty Johnston AM

Child Protection Advocate; Founder, Bravehearts

Hetty Johnston AM is Founder of Bravehearts, Australia’s leading child protection advocate. A born lobbyist, Hetty has succeeded in highlighting the crime of paedophilia and child sexual assault to media, families, schools and the general community both nationally and internationally. Hetty established Bravehearts in 1997, an organisation with a vision to make Australia the safest place in the world to raise a child through the 3 Piers to Prevention: Educate, Empower, Protect. Hetty is the author of Best Interests of the Child. Hetty has been recognised for her outstanding contributions to child protection with numerous awards and nominations including being appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the Queen's Birthday Honours of 2014, for service to the community through a range of organisations promoting the welfare and rights of children and 2015 Queensland Australian of the Year.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome!

    • Trigger Warning

    • Downloadable Coursebook

    • A note on professional development

  • 2


    • Child Sexual Assault: Preventing the Preventable

  • 3


    • Test your learning

  • 4


    • What did you think?

  • 5


    • Resources and next steps

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